Perform 5 Things It When Buying Chicken !! If not, chances are you are buying chicken formaldehyde and rotting!

Easy bother in choosing the chicken meat is fresh and formalin-free, especially if it's a family. Of course the number one health and safety, price umpteen numbers. Because it's not necessarily good.

Therefore, here are 5 tips that you can use when going to buy a chicken.

1. Check the color of chicken

First of all, note the color of the meat. Avoid chicken pale, shiny and bluish, as should the fresh chicken meat canescent and bright pink or inclined. If the chicken glazed and not exposed to flies, you can bet the chicken contains formaldehyde.

2. Check the packaging Chickens

If you buy at the supermarket, you still have to be careful. Chicken pieces are sold in supermarkets always neatly wrapped in plastic. If the plastic is no longer meeting, it means that have been touched by many people and is long enough at these sites. Should be avoided because the microbes can absorb into plastic, therefore we recommend you choose the chicken with plastic wrap tightly.

3. Avoid Blood Chicken

But avoid chicken that has a lot of blood, because the condition of the chickens had some indications, of which: has many touched by many hands, so that the bacteria growing. Or it could mean have been frozen or thawed several times.
Easy bother in choosing the chicken meat is fresh and formalin-free, especially if it's a family. Of course the number one health and safety, price umpteen numbers. Because it's not necessarily good.
Therefore, here are 5 tips that you can use when going to buy a chicken.

4. Check the texture of Chicken Meat

The chicken was good and fresh, when pressed, the shape will be the same again, feels soft. When the chicken skin sinks and tend to be hard, it means that the chicken is no longer fresh and certainly not good for consumption. If feels spongy, it is certain to contain formalin chicken, and chicken that looks swell also certainly been injected to be more severe than the original size.

5. Check the smell of chicken

Fresh chicken should have no odor, so you'll know if the chicken is fresh or not of their foul odor or not. If the chicken smelled of chemicals, you can bet the chicken contain formaldehyde or other harmful chemicals.
That's 5 tips that you can use to buy fresh chicken, healthy and safe. To save the chicken in order to keep the freshness, you can save the chicken with plastic and the chicken labeled with the date of purchase and do not forget stored in the freezer.