Do you know what today is? It’s National Oreo Day!! I must admit that I’m not a huge Oreo eater. Actually, dare I say, I’m not a huge cookie lover?? It’s just not my thang. I tend to like brownies, cake or cheesecake better. In fact, if you searched YHE, you wouldn’t find one recipe with Oreos on here that I made.

  • 12 Oreo cookies
  • 2 (8-oz) packages light cream cheese, softened
  • 1 (5.3-oz) container plain, fat-free Greek yogurt
  • ¼ cup Truvia Baking Blend or ½ cup sugar
  • ½ tsp .vanilla
  • 2 eggs

How to make:
  • Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line each muffin tin with a cupcake liner. Place one Oreo cookie in the bottom of each cupcake liner.
  • In a mixing bowl with beaters, blend together cream cheese, Greek yogurt and sugar until thoroughly combined. Add in vanilla and mix.
  • Add in eggs, one at a time until blended.
  • Using cookie scooper or spoon, scoop cream cheese mixture into the muffin tin, over the Oreo in the bottom.
  • Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes. Pull out of oven and place muffin tin on a cookie rack to cool.
  • When cool, lightly take out of muffin tin and peel away the liner. Enjoy!

Original recipe :